Menuurut Penulis terdapat dua jenis iaitu 'intelektual Knowledge"
dan "Wisdom related-Knowledge". Dalam satu petikan mengatakan
" One can have theoretical knowledge without any corresponding transformation of one’ s personal being. But one cannot ‘‘have’’ wisdom without being wise.[...] the abundance of information and the obsolescence of knowledge should remove from us the persistent illusion that the key is to be found in piling up more information, skills, or experience. If, finally, we want life to be understandable, the path lies in an altogether different direction. That discovery itself is the beginning of wisdom. [emphasis in the original](p. 1)
(Moody , 1986 dalam Ardelt, 2000)
Jika ini benar, adakah fenomenologikal akan menyebabkan manusia cepat tua?
dan inikah sebabnya Kabinet sekarang perlu kepada Penasihat.
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