Jumaat, 14 Disember 2018

PHeNoMeNoLoGiCaL of WaTeR

What is the meaning of water?

to construct the meaning we should create the relations; for example:
Water Security?

According to UNEP (United Nation Environment Program):

“…water security represents a unifying element supplying humanity with drinking water, hygiene and sanitation, food and fish, industrial resources, energy, transportation and natural amenities, all dependent upon maintaining ecosystem health and productivity.”

more explanation: Water Security Blog by Patrick Keys

New task; to defined the meaning of water security in Border.

another possibility:


Let's Construct.

Selasa, 11 Disember 2018


1) Work and Responsibility
Lately involved suddenly on 'new approach' of teaching and learning:

Some potential explanation:

According to Chiappe A and Lee LL (2017: 370):

"Today's education occurs in the presence of a diverse range of challenges, which are framed in complex social, economic, scientific and cultural dimensions. One of the current and foremost educational challenges has to do with balancing equality in access and quality in educational services (Dobele, 2015). Regarding the above, the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) emerges as a high potential alternative to overcome such a challenge (Unesco, 2009).

In that sense, educational staff must face complex pressures related to their daily work. They must sustain the continuous creation of pedagogical strategies that are aimed at widening and improving their educational potential (Robinson, 2008) while addressing a growing and complex media scape and a technological avalanche of tools and content that they are not trained to manage (Cook, 2001; Houghton, Miller and Foth, 2014; Schibeci et al., 2008).

Source: Click Here

* trying to understand the meaning of COMPLEX PRESSURE RELATED TO THEIR DAILY WORK?

2)  Effort to understand

i. Discuss and create the platform
ii. Enhance the capability on LMS
iii. Being rewards

and many more: Click HERE

Isnin, 10 Disember 2018

No VeMBeR 2018

Sebulan yang ganjil..
antara suka dan duka..
manis dan pahit
cukup untuk terus di sini.

Rabu, 28 November 2018

AAN 2018


dan Tahniah kepada semua PENERIMA ANUGERAH

Sumber: Kosmo Online

Tersurat :
Sumbangan dan pengaruh akademik.

Tersirat: ?

Jumaat, 9 November 2018

BeTWeeN aCaDeMiCs, CaPiTaL aND THe STaTe

The development of WORLD because that relations?

May be or may be not?

Isnin, 5 November 2018

NeGeRi Di aTaS aWaN?

Bangun seawal 3.30 pagi hanya untuk
berada di atas sana
Ramai dan meramaikan

dan aksi pun tercipta!
naik ke bawah

itu dua bulan yang sudah...KISS 2018.

Khamis, 25 Oktober 2018


Penyelidikan dan Reka Cipta?

Hadir dan Bertanding?
Antara perkembangan ilmu dan penyelesaian masalah.

Isnin, 1 Oktober 2018

KeSaRJaNaaN & KeBaJiKaN?

Membangunkan kesarjanaan adakalanya
mengorbankan kebajikan.
dan sebagai akademik perlu faham realiti:
realiti akademik?
realiti praktikal?

Itu semua di sini.

Hadir dan bertanya:
Akademia dan pentadbiran
KPT dan Autonomi
Bebanan Kerja

namun sayang...
masih ramai yang tidak berkesempatan?

harus bagaimanakah lagi.

Rabu, 12 September 2018


Demi mencapai 1732
maka terbentuklah

Moga bermanfaat.

Seminggu yang sudah
04 September 2018 BMU FKSW

Khamis, 30 Ogos 2018


Masyarakat itu telah berubah,
bertani ke industri,
dan kini masyarakat pintar,
namun lain di sini,
mereka tetap dengan asalnya.

itulah hidup di Kajang, Bulukumba
Utusan Borneo 29.8.2018

Isnin, 20 Ogos 2018

THe MeaNiNG of TeaMWork

Try to understand this two concept.

Team and Work

Below some potential explanations:
TEAM: 4 Unit + WORK: Departures

4 unit = Cargo, Catering, Oil and Ticketing
To put all the passenger, luggage and beverage on the body of plane with enough fuel to departures.

They working together to complete the task without being compete to show who are the best.

But in Organizations
Team are create with the work to compete each other and to show who are the best?

True or not....

Sabtu, 18 Ogos 2018


Try to understand the meaning of central.

Around the Globe true this centralized transportation.

Besides that, its included human
People come and go
different and unique
make that place always life.

Rabu, 15 Ogos 2018

MSC 11 @ Langkawi

Meneruskan komitmen
buat kesekian kalinya....
The 11 Malaysian Studies Conference 2018
Lihat dunia dari mata Burung atau lihat dari dalam tempurung?
(Tanya sama itu Hud-Hud - M.Nasir)

Membentang dan berdiskusi
tambah ilmu dan budi
agar hidup lebih bererti
moga kental jati diri

MSC 12 akan kembali ke lembah Klang
pada tahun 2020.

Jumaat, 10 Ogos 2018

uTaRa SeLaTaN - KISS 2018

Kembara Ilmu Sulawesi Selatan (KISS) 2018

Berjalan dan Berkelana
Dari Utara turun ke Selatan
Membawa idea serta perasaan
Untuk hidup lebih mengerti
untuk hidup lebih memahami
Untuk hidup lebih menerima

Kembara 1


Kembara 2

Kembara 3

Kembara 4

dan Kembara tiba ke penghujung dengan jentera
seberat Lambelu

Selanjutnya menyusul kemudian.

Sabtu, 28 Julai 2018


Small idea during the International Event


Combination of Labour and Employment Relations expert and unionist from around the globe.

Being connected to the discipline and sharing knowledge.
Some real experience:
1] Twitter #ilera2018

Selasa, 17 Julai 2018

iCGPA / WiSDoM SoCieTY 6.0?

Di kala negara Barat maju dengan Revolusi Industri 4.0 (Smart Society)
Negara Jepun telah datang dengan Society 5.0 (Super smart Society)


dan di Malaysia telah datang konsep iCGPA untuk IPT.
yang memungkinkan pembentukan Wisdom Society 6.0 yang pertama di dunia?

namun ternyata ramai yang keliru kerana dua fenomene berikut:
Nilai Semula

dan semua pun bersuara.

Isnin, 9 Julai 2018

AiDiL FiTRi 2018

Ucapan raya di penghujung bulan syawal.

Semoga raya tahun ini memberi makna kepada kita semua.

Maaf Zahir dan Batin untuk siapa jua dan di mana pun berada.

Raya gembira senyum ketawa
Kerana puasa selesai jua
Kini syawal hampir tiada
Moga ramadhan bertemu semula

Selasa, 12 Jun 2018

iLMu dan uMuR?

Tua atau muda jadi pengukur jenis ilmu.

Menuurut Penulis terdapat dua jenis iaitu 'intelektual Knowledge"
dan "Wisdom related-Knowledge". Dalam satu petikan mengatakan

" One can have theoretical knowledge without any corresponding transformation of one’ s personal being. But one cannot ‘‘have’’ wisdom without being wise.[...] the abundance of information and the obsolescence of knowledge should remove from us the persistent illusion that the key is to be found in piling up more information, skills, or experience. If, Žfinally, we want life to be understandable, the path lies in an altogether different direction. That discovery itself is the beginning of wisdom. [emphasis in the original](p. 1)
 (Moody , 1986 dalam Ardelt, 2000)

Jika ini benar, adakah fenomenologikal akan menyebabkan manusia cepat tua?
dan inikah sebabnya Kabinet sekarang perlu kepada Penasihat.

Bacaan Lanjut KLIK SINI

Jumaat, 1 Jun 2018

3 T ?

CuTI dan produktiviTI dan gsT?

Apakah kaitan antara kesemuanya dan bagaimanakah ianya berkait?

Sepintas lalu:
Hubungan songsang iaitu semakin banyak cuti maka semakin kurang produktiviti

Penjelasan kualitatif:
Bergantung kepada jenis cuti dan kesannya terhadap si 'pencuti'.

Ambil SINI

Di manakah kita?

walau di mana
dan apa jua adanya
inilah jawabnya
cuti lebih indah
produktiviti bakal bertambah
bila GST sudah berubah.

Sabtu, 26 Mei 2018

DiGiTaLiSaSi SeJaRaH !!

Apakah dan bagaimanakah sejarah itu didigitalkan?

Menurut penulis (Yacob, et.al, 2016):

" "Bidang digitalisasi sejarah(Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New  Media) merupakan “satupendekatan untuk menyelidik dan mewakili masa lalu dengan mengeksploitasi teknologi komunikasi yang baru seperti komputer dan web.Ia menerima pakai ciri-ciri penting daripada persekitaran digital contohnya pangkalan data, hypertextualisation dan jaringan bagi mewujudkan serta berkongsi maklumat sejarah.”

Pendigitalan sejarah bukan semata-mata melibatkan proses mendigitalkan bahan sejarah seperti sumber primer, suratkhabar lama, mengumpul data dan maklumat sejarah, tetapi ia melibatkan proses yang jauh lebih menarik iaitu memperkenalkan satu kaedah baru bagi mempersembahkan data sejarah.
Proses tersebut selain melibatkan cara seorang sejarawan menggunakan visual dan berinteraksi dengan data yang sedia ada. Disamping itu, penggunaan data tersebut adalah untuk menjelaskan sesuatu fenomena sejarah. Selain itu, proses ini juga dapat
  menunjukkan cara para sejarawan melengkapi pedagogi mereka dengan    mengeksploitasi potensi teknologi sepenuhnya (Van Ruyskensvelde, 2014, 862).
Penggunaan teknologi semata-mata tanpa pedagogi yang berkesan tidak akan berjaya. Teknologi juga menjadi saluran penting bagi guru berkomunikasi dengan pelajar dengan lebih baik (Roblyer, 2006: v).
Mengikut Roblyer lagi, “It can make good teaching even better, but it cannot make bad teaching good”.

Bacaan lanjut KLIK SINI

Selasa, 22 Mei 2018

MeaNiNG of PRU 14?

Phenomenological try to capture that meaning based on
current debate and also what happened before.

some possibility:
1) PRUforTeen (PRU 14)
The meaning based on few theme
 i) the number of teen ( orang muda) which included 40 % ++.
ii) the spirit of young people ( everybody look young in their spirit to witness some changes?)
iii) Our country still young but matured?
iv) ICT and young people

so, the word PRU 14 can be or have possibility give the meaning PRU FOR TEEN?

however, the voice of rakyat always lead to change like before in 1947?
10 years before Merdeka

but what important it must be COLLECTIVE?

Khamis, 17 Mei 2018


Semoga Manfaat lebih berganda

Sumber SINI

Mari Gandakan amalan.

Isnin, 23 April 2018


Apakah budaya ini dan bagaimanakah kaitannya terhadap organisasi?

Menurut  Schwartz (2018):

"A culture is simply the collection of beliefs on which people build their behavior.
Learning organizations — Peter Senge’s term — classically focus on intellectually
oriented issues such as knowledge and expertise. That’s plainly critical, but a true
growth culture also focuses on deeper issues connected to how people feel, and
how they behave as a result. In a growth culture, people build their capacity to
see through blind spots; acknowledge insecurities and shortcomings rather than
unconsciously acting them out; and spend less energy defending their personal
value so they have more energy available to create external value. How people
feel — and make other people feel — becomes as important as how much they know."

Lanjutan DISINI

Selasa, 17 April 2018

Kajian Pengurusan dan Fenomenologikal

Kajian berkaitan potensi pendekatan fenomenologi dalam kajian berkaitan pengurusan. Menurut Ehrich (2015):

" The aim of this paper is it endeavours to make 
phenomenology  more accessible and in turn a more attractive research methodology to use in management related research. 
The paper begins by exploring some of the well-known versions of phenomenological philosophy emanating from its founding father, 
Edmund Husserl. It then explores phenomenology as a research 
approach. Here two well-known applications of phenomenology 
are compared and contrasted to show some of the different 
assumptions underpinning these approaches. The paper makes 
the claim that phenomenological research methodology, 
while relatively unused in management research, has much to offer."

Bacaan Lanjut: KLIK SINI  

Rabu, 28 Mac 2018

DaRuRaT dan KaWaLaN?

Dua keadaan yang berbeza dan menghasilkan dua tindakan yang berbeza:

Darurat Pertama
Keadaan yang sukar menyebabkan kawalan semakin longgar.

Darurat Kedua
Keadaan yang mewujudkan ancaman menyebabkan kawalan semakin ketat.

namun demikian,
adakalanya keadaan sebaliknya telah berlaku kesan kekeliruan
antara kesukaran dan ancaman menyebabkan
kesukaran bertambah sukar dengan andaian itu adalah ancaman.

lagi penjelasan KLIK SINI

Isnin, 19 Mac 2018

SeSuaTu yang TeRsiRaT

Masih Bernafas
seperti sembuh
dari letihnya.

Rabu, 28 Februari 2018


Hujung satu fasa
untuk mulanya satu fasa
Nota: Hiasan (Pinjam di Kedai)

moga fasa ke depan
enak dan damai.

-masih di situ-

Selasa, 27 Februari 2018

SeTaPaK ke DePaN

Makna itu di mana
makna itu di mana-mana
makna itu dari perasaan
makna itu dari pengalaman
makna itu di mana-mana

di mana-mana
makna itu tersirat
tertutup dalam sesuatu
tersembunyi dalam tingkahlaku
terpendam dalam emosi
hingga ianya tidak menentu
relevan kepada yang tahu
biasa pada zahirnya

oh inikah fenomenologis?
368 muka surat
8 Bab
8.50 MB (word)
3.01 MB (pdf)
di tahun 2018.

-di sini-

Ahad, 25 Februari 2018


Terbuai dan hanyut
dalam sintesis dan analisis
hingga perlu
dua entitis.


kurang tapi cukup.

Sabtu, 24 Februari 2018


ke hujung
satu pencarian
tentang makna
dari 'essence'
satu pengalaman.

Pusat TaHaNaN?

$ makna itu duduknya di mana?
-Feb, 12-28, Dua Kosong Satu LaPaN-

Selasa, 13 Februari 2018

aNaLiSiS TeMaTiK

Tema itu penting untuk kita menjelaskan sesuatu fenomena.
Contohnya dalam kajian MOGOK, apakah tema yang sesuai
bagi menjelaskan fenomena tersebut.

Oleh itu, perlu dilakukan satu bentuk analisis bagi mengenalpasti
tema-tema yang bersesuaian berdasarkan 'transkrip' yang telah
dihasilkan terhadap temu bual.

Menurut Braune & Clarke (2006:14):

        To sum up, thematic analysis involves the searching across a data set – be that a number of         interviews or focus groups, or a range of texts – to find repeated patterns of meaning. The exact form and product of thematic analysis varies, as indicated above, and so it is important that the questions outlined above are considered before and during thematic analyses. Those approaches which consider specific aspects, latent themes and are constructionist tend to often cluster together, while those that consider meanings across the whole data set, semantic themes, and are realist often cluster together. However, there are no hard-and-fast rules in relation to this, and different combinations are possible. What is important is that the finished product contains an account – not necessarily that detailed – of what was done, and why. So what does one actually do? We now provide what is hopefully a straightforward step-by-step guide to conducting thematic analysis. 

Mari belajar analisis tematik! KLIK SINI

Image result for braun and clarke 2006 paper on thematic analysis

Sabtu, 10 Februari 2018

DiaRi dalam KaJiaN KuaLiTaTiF

Menulis aktiviti harian berkaitan kajian yang sedang dilakukan dan juga
refleksi pengkaji terhadap kajian dan persekitarannya.

Warna beda dengan saiz yang seragam

tertulis di dalamnya suka duka dalam pencarian suatu Makna?

Menurut Snowden M (2015:36)
"The diary used to provide a chronology of the researcher’s thinking and experiences throughout a study should provide a detailed record of the research process, from design, data collection and analysis to writing up and presenting the study (Robson 2011). This type of research diary is especially useful when conducting a literature review, either as part of a research investigation or as a standalone piece of research. It is essential to maintain a detailed diary of all actions and decisions to ensure a systematic approach to the literature review. The diary may be in the form of a narrative describing what was done, or in the form of notes on the databases accessed, libraries searched, keywords used, problems encountered, contacts made and outcomes of the discussions and communications that took place. In particular, it is useful to record observations during reflective thinking or brainstorming sessions."

Lagi berkaitan: diari dan kajian kualitatif KLIK SINI dan SINI

Selasa, 6 Februari 2018

KaJiaN SaiNS SoSiaL

Benarkah kajian terhadap sosial adalah satu cabang sains?
Jika demikian, apakah ciri sains itu?

Jawapan kepada dua persoalan di atas dapat dinilai
berdasarkan tiga elemen iaitu:

jawapannya di SINI.

Menurut Penulis:

"This book is designed to introduce doctoral and graduate students to the process of
scientific research in the social sciences, business, education, public health, and related
disciplines. This book is based on my lecture materials developed over a decade of teaching the
doctoral-level class on Research Methods at the University of South Florida. The target
audience for this book includes Ph.D. and graduate students, junior researchers, and professors
teaching courses on research methods, although senior researchers can also use this book as a
handy and compact reference." (Bhattacherjee, 2012:i)

Selamat Membaca.!

Khamis, 1 Februari 2018


Mari menulis,
di sebalik Kinabalu

antara teks dan buah-buahan.
30.1.18 hingga 04.02.18

Ahad, 28 Januari 2018

Mendalam, Kenyataan, Mengetahui, Kembali

Rencana oleh Pencetus dalam

Berita Harian, 27 January 1963, Page 4


 Penulis menganalisis berkaitan fenomena mogok dan kaitannya
dengan masyarakat dan pembangunan negara.

bacaan lanjut KLIK SINI