Selasa, 28 November 2017

MaNFaaT FeNoMeNoLoGi . . .

Menurut Sander (1982:359):

“Phenomenology does not present a new view 
but a new way of viewing organizational problems. 
Its method is aimed at describing the fundamental elements
in phenomenal existence in order to expose universal "pure" essences
underlying human consciousness.
Exploring the phenomenon of human consciousness is not a simple task. 
There is neither a mystery nor a metaphysical enigma at issue here.
Clearly, it is a method that does not have universal appeal, 
but it is not a talisman of some occult order. 
One begins by learning phenomenology 
in a step-by-step disciplined fashion through
reading, observation, discussion, and reflection. 
Then one does phenomenology. 
It is only after doing phenomenology 
that one begins to understand the meaning of intentionality, 
inter subjectivity, eidetic reduction, and how to practice epoche. 
Learning and doing phenomenology is reminiscent of the Augustinian circle: 
In order to find out, I must already know,
but in order to know, I must first find out.
di manakah MaKNa itu?

Rabu, 22 November 2017

MenCari EssEncE?

Apakah ianya itu?

  • The intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, which determines its character.

  • "conflict is the essence of drama"
    synonyms:quintessence, soul, spirit, ethos, nature, life, lifeblood, core, heart, centre, crux, nub, nucleus, kernel, marrow, meat, pith, gist, substance, principle, central part, fundamental quality, basic quality, essential part, intrinsic nature, sum and substance, reality, actuality;
  • an extract or concentrate obtained from a plant or other matter and used for flavouring or scent.
    "vanilla essence"
    synonyms:extract, concentrate, concentration, quintessence, distillate, elixir, abstraction, decoction, juice, tincture, solution, suspension, dilution;
  • Isnin, 20 November 2017

    PeNGuRuSan BaRu?

    Terbeli dan membaca buku bertajuk:

    Under New Management oleh David Burkus (2016):

    Under New Management: How Leading Organizations Are Upending Business as Usual

    Do open-floor plans really work – or do they make employees miserable? Are there companies which really put their employees’ welfare first, and their clients second?  Are annual performance reviews really necessary?

    Dr. David Burkus is a highly regarded and increasingly influential business school professor who challenges many of the long-established principles of business management. Drawing on decades of research,  Burkus has found that not only are many of our fundamental management practices wrong and misguided, but they can be downright counter-productive.

    And these days, the best companies are already breaking the old rules.  At Volkswagen, email is now restricted to certain hours, so that employees can work without distraction. Netflix no longer has a standard vacation policy of 2-3 weeks, but instructs employees to take off as much time as they feel they need. At Morningstar Farms, there are no managers at all, the employees govern themselves. And at Zappos, new employees are given the option to quit and get paid for it.

    lagi maklumat: KLIK SINI .

     Relevankah ia di sini?

    Sabtu, 18 November 2017

    Rabu, 15 November 2017

    TeKNoLoGi @ DeSKiLLiNG ?

    Masih serupa..teknologi datang untuk sesuatu...dan bersamanya terdapat ragam kawalan
    dan kesannya tetap sama...

    teknologi memudahkan pekerjaan.
    namun kemudahan itu ada batasnya.

    barangkali artikel berikut boleh menjelaskan.

    Fabiane Santana Previtali and Cílson César Fagiani
    Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation, Vol. 9, No. 1 (Spring 2015), pp. 76-91

    This article examines the continuing relevance of Harry Braverman's thesis on the degradation of work to the new circumstances of the twenty-first century. It argues that, despite claims that the standardisation and deskilling of work that characterised the Taylorist/Fordist period have given way to new forms of knowledge-based production and an integration of mental and manual labour, the concept of degradation is still relevant. New conditions of production demand a new and more versatile kind of worker who is able to meet the requirements of production processes that require intensive use of information technologies, are globally dispersed and related to the consumption of products with a high technological density. Nevertheless, the new conditions of capital accumulation are still based on the same laws of value and require intensive control and surveillance of the worker. This control, however, takes new forms under regimes of flexible accumulation, and is founded in managerial strategies built on workers' involvement and participation. Ensuring workers' compliance with such strategies requires the creation of the new kinds of subjectivity. The article goes on to discuss the education reforms required to produce such subjectivities, and the transformation of pedagogical processes and teaching labour that are necessary to achieve these reforms. It concludes by reflecting on the implications of the resulting individualisation of workers' subjectivities for class solidarity.

    Adakah ianya juga melibatkan 4.0?

    Selasa, 14 November 2017


    Kembali ke rutin dahulu
    untuk sampai ke garisan hujung
    setelah seminggu diGanGGu
    aneka tugas
    di kejauhan
    juga yang dekat

    bila SIaNG JaDi SeeBoOK
    lalu MaLaM jaDi RuANGaN
    menyusun kata menjadi ayat
    dari ayat menjadi PeReNGGaN
    lalu terciptalah BaB
    bagi JaWaPaN
    suatu TESIs.

    Khamis, 9 November 2017

    Lagi Fenomenologikal

    Masih belajar dan berkongsi
    hadir dan menganjur dan membentang

    International Conference on Social Transformation,
    Community and Sustainable Development (ICSTCSD 2017).

    Bagi pihak PenyelidikN Team Sebatik membentangkan hasil kajian awal berkaitan
    "Makna Masyarakat Sempadan"

    Kabur tetapi Nyata

    Permulaan satu pencarian?