Rabu, 28 Februari 2018


Hujung satu fasa
untuk mulanya satu fasa
Nota: Hiasan (Pinjam di Kedai)

moga fasa ke depan
enak dan damai.

-masih di situ-

Selasa, 27 Februari 2018

SeTaPaK ke DePaN

Makna itu di mana
makna itu di mana-mana
makna itu dari perasaan
makna itu dari pengalaman
makna itu di mana-mana

di mana-mana
makna itu tersirat
tertutup dalam sesuatu
tersembunyi dalam tingkahlaku
terpendam dalam emosi
hingga ianya tidak menentu
relevan kepada yang tahu
biasa pada zahirnya

oh inikah fenomenologis?
368 muka surat
8 Bab
8.50 MB (word)
3.01 MB (pdf)
di tahun 2018.

-di sini-

Ahad, 25 Februari 2018


Terbuai dan hanyut
dalam sintesis dan analisis
hingga perlu
dua entitis.


kurang tapi cukup.

Sabtu, 24 Februari 2018


ke hujung
satu pencarian
tentang makna
dari 'essence'
satu pengalaman.

Pusat TaHaNaN?

$ makna itu duduknya di mana?
-Feb, 12-28, Dua Kosong Satu LaPaN-

Selasa, 13 Februari 2018

aNaLiSiS TeMaTiK

Tema itu penting untuk kita menjelaskan sesuatu fenomena.
Contohnya dalam kajian MOGOK, apakah tema yang sesuai
bagi menjelaskan fenomena tersebut.

Oleh itu, perlu dilakukan satu bentuk analisis bagi mengenalpasti
tema-tema yang bersesuaian berdasarkan 'transkrip' yang telah
dihasilkan terhadap temu bual.

Menurut Braune & Clarke (2006:14):

        To sum up, thematic analysis involves the searching across a data set – be that a number of         interviews or focus groups, or a range of texts – to find repeated patterns of meaning. The exact form and product of thematic analysis varies, as indicated above, and so it is important that the questions outlined above are considered before and during thematic analyses. Those approaches which consider specific aspects, latent themes and are constructionist tend to often cluster together, while those that consider meanings across the whole data set, semantic themes, and are realist often cluster together. However, there are no hard-and-fast rules in relation to this, and different combinations are possible. What is important is that the finished product contains an account – not necessarily that detailed – of what was done, and why. So what does one actually do? We now provide what is hopefully a straightforward step-by-step guide to conducting thematic analysis. 

Mari belajar analisis tematik! KLIK SINI

Image result for braun and clarke 2006 paper on thematic analysis

Sabtu, 10 Februari 2018

DiaRi dalam KaJiaN KuaLiTaTiF

Menulis aktiviti harian berkaitan kajian yang sedang dilakukan dan juga
refleksi pengkaji terhadap kajian dan persekitarannya.

Warna beda dengan saiz yang seragam

tertulis di dalamnya suka duka dalam pencarian suatu Makna?

Menurut Snowden M (2015:36)
"The diary used to provide a chronology of the researcher’s thinking and experiences throughout a study should provide a detailed record of the research process, from design, data collection and analysis to writing up and presenting the study (Robson 2011). This type of research diary is especially useful when conducting a literature review, either as part of a research investigation or as a standalone piece of research. It is essential to maintain a detailed diary of all actions and decisions to ensure a systematic approach to the literature review. The diary may be in the form of a narrative describing what was done, or in the form of notes on the databases accessed, libraries searched, keywords used, problems encountered, contacts made and outcomes of the discussions and communications that took place. In particular, it is useful to record observations during reflective thinking or brainstorming sessions."

Lagi berkaitan: diari dan kajian kualitatif KLIK SINI dan SINI

Selasa, 6 Februari 2018

KaJiaN SaiNS SoSiaL

Benarkah kajian terhadap sosial adalah satu cabang sains?
Jika demikian, apakah ciri sains itu?

Jawapan kepada dua persoalan di atas dapat dinilai
berdasarkan tiga elemen iaitu:

jawapannya di SINI.

Menurut Penulis:

"This book is designed to introduce doctoral and graduate students to the process of
scientific research in the social sciences, business, education, public health, and related
disciplines. This book is based on my lecture materials developed over a decade of teaching the
doctoral-level class on Research Methods at the University of South Florida. The target
audience for this book includes Ph.D. and graduate students, junior researchers, and professors
teaching courses on research methods, although senior researchers can also use this book as a
handy and compact reference." (Bhattacherjee, 2012:i)

Selamat Membaca.!

Khamis, 1 Februari 2018


Mari menulis,
di sebalik Kinabalu

antara teks dan buah-buahan.
30.1.18 hingga 04.02.18