Rabu, 29 April 2020


-Hari 43 PKP : 6 Ramadhan-

Setahun yang lepas, pada tarikh hari ini
19 April 2019 hingga 2 Mei 2019
berkesempatan hadir World Justice Forum
bertempat di Hague, Netherlands
Suasana Damai Convention Centre

Lalu bermulalah perjalanan merentas Benua
dalam dua perjalanan

Terpesona dengan pelbagai keindahan
manusia dan kota Amsterdam

 Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia (YLBHI) 

Action Forward

Closing Plenary - Highlighting Commitments to Justice

Nothing much change but progress are keep moving
How the world can be better for all..

Jumaat, 24 April 2020

RaMaDHaN 2020

-Hari 38 PKP-

Menyambut kedatangan ramadhan dalam situasi yang sederhana kesan PKP.
Ucapan dan doa untuk semua

Semoga Bahagia

Sabtu, 11 April 2020


-Hari ke 23 PKP-

Perintah ini telah dilajutkan kepada fasa ke-3

dan keadaan sebelum ini adalah sebagaimana berikut:

Sumber: Blog Ketua Pengarah KKM

Semoga apa yang digambarkan dapat menceritakan realiti sebenar dalam masyarakat kerana data inilah yang digunakan bagi membuat unjuran dan tindakan pada masa hadapan.


Selasa, 7 April 2020

CoViD dan eKoNoMi

-Hari ke-21 MCO-

Seluruh dunia merasakan kesannya
bila pergerakan semakin terhad
lalu berkurangnya aktiviti kebiasaan
dan semua terasa.

Cuba memahami kesannya terhadap ekonomi Malaysia
dan dasar fiskal.

26 March 2020
Dalam ringkasannya beliau menjelaskan:
Key takeaways
  • This pandemic will have devastating effects on the Malaysian economy from both external factors (global supply and demand shocks) and domestic factors (MCO). Critically, this will disproportionately impact smaller businesses and vulnerable groups such as lower-income individuals and workers.
  • In light of emerging risks, we propose a new, expanded, two-stage fiscal response package. Stage 1 measures will aim to support incomes during the MCO, while Stage 2 measures aim to kickstart the economy after the restrictions are lifted.
  • Stage 1 measures include liquidity support for both individuals and businesses. Individuals can be protected via an expansion of EIS unemployment benefits along with temporary increases in BSH benefits. Businesses will need low-interest concessionary lending, along with wage assistance and cost-alleviation measures.
  • Stage 2 measures work to stimulate the economy after the MCO is lifted, helping affected individuals and businesses rebound. Key proposed measures under Stage 2 include an expansion of infrastructure spending in underdeveloped areas and a one-off cash injection to Malaysian households.

Sabtu, 4 April 2020

2 CeRiTa

Hari ke-18 MCO

Bekerja dalam situasi yang sebegini sebetulnya merisaukan
antara kebebasan dan disiplin
bebas untuk melakukan apa saja
lalu kerja menjadi gado-gado
semuanya berjalan seiring
akhirnya tiada yang terhasil?

Di sebalik itu, beberapa idea telah datang
dan kecenderungan yang pelbagai.

1) Pertanyaan tentang pertambahan kes Covid sejak PKP
2) Peranan Universiti dalam menangani Covid
3) Kemungkinan solat jumaat secara online

dan kesemua itu mengundang reaksi berbeza.

namun ada 2 cerita
Peranan universiti -China
Tindakan Perusahaan di Universiti - Britain

dan yang pasti...sepanjang PKP, pelbagai genre filem telah kusaksikan..

Rabu, 1 April 2020


Wawasan 2020.
Kemajuan dan keterbatasan

Hari ke-15 PKP

while obeying the Movement Control Order (MCO)
you still need to perform a work
so its need to understand what are Work at Home (WAH)

it's create a lot of adjustment...
especially because myhome myoffice concept still new
while you always in you office...

and you coming back to home after that.

changed of routine:
5-7: Performed solah
7-8: Cleaning House
8-9: clock in and breakfast
9-12: doing work while social message
12-2: perfomed solah and lunch
2-4: doing work while rest a little
4-6: perfomed solah and kudapan
6-8: perfomed solah and dinner
9-11: doing work while watching tv
12: sleep.

how productivity and emotional can be maintain?

some understanding on WAH

according to Nordin, et.all (2016)

"Work at home (WAH) is a recent trend in few international companies such as Amazon, Dell and Xerox. Home-based work help employees' healthy work life balance by not bound to fix working hours and freedom to schedule the work. Generally, WAH gives benefits to employees as well as employers.
In Malaysia, as the improvement in technology is going well, there is less constraint to work from anywhere. Some of the employees’ burdens like stress, travelling cost and family responsibilities will be lessen.

This paper will discuss further the relevant of WAH in Malaysia in terms of some variables such as age, gender and types of job. The WAH concept is one of the various ways of flexible work arrangement apart of part time work system and flexible working hours.

The quality of working life is affected by work and home balance. The need of WAH become a rising concern among the employees and employers due to its benefits. WAH was applied by nonagricultural workers since industrial revolution. In early 1990s, the rates of men and women whose applying WAH are equal. A survey during that era indicates that they brought work home but did not paid for that work, 23% of WAH employees were married woman with children and most WAH employees are professional." (Deming, 1994).

More reading click HERE