Isnin, 28 Disember 2020

LaSTWeeK oF 2020

 Finally, the years of 2020 come to the end-

My generation had been visualized about this 'vision years' since it's been launch in 1991 when our former Prime Minister start our journey to become a Developed Nation by creating WAWASAN 2020

Launching 1991

Speech in 2011

let's understand the meaning of that vision: watch:

everything happened are happened with the meaning, then the phenomenologist started the effort to construct the meaning 

Selasa, 22 Disember 2020

OnLINE LeaRNiNG 2020

 Almost done and keep waiting for 2021

Managing the progress of human being as an actor in new environment and technologies.

Isnin, 7 Disember 2020


 PKPB hari ini memasuki fasa baru,

meski ia dilanjutkan untuk dua minggu lagi, 

namun tiada lagi sekatan jalan raya

dan kebebasan untuk merentasi sempadan...

meski kes masih empat angka


Sabtu, 5 Disember 2020



Almost give up after postponed and delay for safety reason during covid-19. 

Finally the event come to place yesterday Disember 3-4 with new practice through online meeting via ZOOM.

Another experience within the space and the issue and challenge more complicated.

Sabtu, 28 November 2020


 Finally....the journey complete to start a new journey...


Register = 19/9/2011
Effective = 01/10/2011
First End = 30/09/2014
Second End = 14/10/2020
Confirmation = 26/11/2020

Pemaknaan Pengurangan Mogok dan Kelangsungan Kesatuan Sekerja: Kajian Kes RUM, 1947-2012 di Malaysia

Let's start a new BEGIN

Rabu, 25 November 2020


 During this WFH...attending few webinar and always keep on asking few questions..

here some of them;

1. Managing research grant

2. Journal paper writing

3. Stress management

asking about; space and stress

4. many more

Try to understand...something we know the answer's different from different people...

Rabu, 18 November 2020

43 TaHuN LaLu

Melihat dunia terus membangun
dengan kepelbagaian  
setahun demi setahun

42 years back
November 18, 1977 was a Friday
Zodiac Sign for this date is: Scorpio
This date was 15,705 days ago
November 18th 2020 is on a Wednesday
Someone born on this date is 42 years old

If you were born on this date:

You've slept for 5,235 days or 14 years!
Your next birthday is 1 days away
You've been alive for 376,920 hours
You were born on a Friday in mid November
You are 22,615,200 minutes old
Your next birthday is on a Wednesday

Khamis, 29 Oktober 2020

MauLiD RaSuL

 Insan mulia penghulu segala Nabi

semoga dapat mengamalkan cara hidup dalam kehidupan ini

Selawat dan salam buat Rasul Junjungan.

Ahad, 25 Oktober 2020


 After almost two month going around and finally watch itself during this MCO. 

Another step to going ahead.

Captured from the recording of 30 minutes interview. Please watch:

Alhamdulillah, every journey had they own stories and can be construct another meaning.

Thanks to all the team.

Selasa, 20 Oktober 2020


 New semester begin with the new approach to adopt the new treat from covid-19.

Student not in physicals contact but need to be online without compromise the quality aspect of learning process...

All this possible by align the outcome and the learning time.


Jumaat, 4 September 2020


 Another effort to the end of journey...

Trying to understand the social phenomena based on statistical data with various approach:

All this are related to First order and Second order Construct, 

Here some explanations on how to practices thematic analysis practices following descriptive phenomenological produce by Sundler, (2019:736):

To conclude, the process of thematic analysis, based in a descriptive phenomenological approach, goes from the original data to the identification of meanings, organizing these into patterns and writing the results of themes related to the study aim and the actual context. When the findings are reported, these are described conversely (i.e., starting with the themes and the descriptive text, illustrated with quotes). Thus, meanings found from participants experiences are described in a meaningful text organized in themes.

Source Click Here

This procedure also combined with process by  and Braun & Clarke (2006).

All this are tools to help for meaning construct based on the essence of experience by individual or group of people

Jumaat, 28 Ogos 2020

BLeNDeD + MooC = BLeMoC

 New idea with old technology. Just to put and puzzle and mix and match. All this within six month ahead.

Let's create something!!


Selasa, 25 Ogos 2020

MaRi MeMBaCa @ PKPP 2020

 Rasa yang berbeza dan berlainan bila semuanya di atas talian, lalu terbukalah berbilang alat untuk satu tujuan yang sama.

Hampir tak berdaya menahan bebanan

Namun, semuanya tuntas.


Sabtu, 8 Ogos 2020

SoCiaL PHeNoMeNoLoGy

 Finally, they are some adjustment need to be accomplish.

What is the social phenomenology?

it's related to the process of Typification's and 'ideal type' related to the experience for the meaning construct...

According to Fereday and Cochrane (2006:80) referred to Schutz:

"Schutz’s social phenomenology is a descriptive and interpretive theory of social action that explores subjective experience within the taken-for-granted, “commonsense” world of the daily life of individuals. Schutz’s theory emphasizes the spatial and temporal aspects of experience and social relationships. Social phenomenology takes the view that people living in the world of daily life are able to ascribe meaning to a situation and then make judgments. It is the subjective meaning of experience that was the topic for interpretation in this study."

All this finally create the six step in the process of thematic analysis which content coding and finally first and second order construct..

more explanation just click HERE (source)

Ahad, 26 Julai 2020

THe JouRNey

Any journey come with all
challenged and 

Sweet bitter...

Sabtu, 25 Julai 2020

SuNGai DaN KeHiDuPaN

Berdekad lamanya ada di sini
melalui jalan setiap hari
ke sana dan ke sini
namun bukan di sungai

Pandangan Berbeza
UMS dan Sungai

Namun di sini ia mengalir
terus dengan iramanya
tanpa peduli siapa yang hadir
kerana sungai tetap setia


Projek Usahasama

dan untuk ini sekali lagi
akan cuba untuk memahami
Makna Sungai dan Kebersihan

[menelusuri sungai itu buat pertama kali, sedangkan
wujudnya sudah ada sejak sekian lama
Jumaat, 24 Julai 2020
7.30 hingga 10.00 am]

Sabtu, 27 Jun 2020

MaKNa BeLaJaR Di aLaMaYa

- Hari 18 Pemulihan = 102 PKP-

Bekerja dari rumah menjadi amalan
buat diri dan semuanya
lalu terhasil pelbagai kaedah
bagi meneruskan
sesi pembelajaran

maka terhasil 

Isnin, 1 Jun 2020

Ucapan Hari Raya

- Hari 75 PKP : 9 Syawal-

Seminggu yang lepas

Hari Lebaran dalam kelainan

dan berkhutbah
dalam kemeriahan

Jumaat, 22 Mei 2020

aLaM MaYa @ PKP 2020

- Hari 66 PKP : 29 Ramadhan-

Kali terakhir menulis pada awal mei 
dan kini ramadhan hampir ke hujungnya
lalu timbullah persoalan
apakah jadinya dengan PKP ini...

perintah berkurung 
atau perintah pergerakan
namun apakah bezanya
kerana semuanya tentang kawalan

dan sepanjang tempoh itu
aku menilai semula WFH
dengan sekali lock in
kehadiran menjadi saksi

ini kerja yang telah dilakukan

  1. Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa
  2. Mesyuarat Fakulti
  3. Menghadiri Seminar Web
  4. Menghadiri Ceramah Web
  5. Menghasilkan video kenangan
  6. Menghasilkan video pembelajaran
  7. Mengadakan beberap Kuliah Kursus AH10203
  8. Mengadakan beberapa kuliah kursus AH32403
  9. Pembentangan Proposal Inovasi Covid 19
  10. Melakukan pembetulan tesis
  11. dan lain lain

kerana semua ini hanya dengan sebuah laptop dan talian internet
RM1 unlimited sehari

Selamat Berpuasa

Ahad, 3 Mei 2020


-HARI 47 PKP : 10 Ramadhan-

Indah dan mempersona
hijau dasar laut
air biru tanpa ombak
dan pendakian mesra
oh indahnya ciptaanNya

Buat kesekian kalinya
cuba untuk memahami
erti suatu pembangunan
bagi masyarakat yang unik
antara air dan daratan
di mana letaknya KEMAJUAN?

terima kasih
untuk peluang ini..

Jumaat, 1 Mei 2020

MaY DaY 2020

-Hari 45 PKP: 8 Ramadhan-

Hari ini hari buruh
hari pekerja
hari tenaga kerja
hari sumber manusia
hari modal insan

dan sempena PKP satu yang nampak jelas...
dunia sedang maju ke belakang
jika dahulu manusia bekerja di rumah
kemudian berpindah ke perusahaan
kini manusia kembali kerja di rumah

Revolusi Industri Pertama

Tentang Hari Buruh telah kuceritakan

Rabu, 29 April 2020


-Hari 43 PKP : 6 Ramadhan-

Setahun yang lepas, pada tarikh hari ini
19 April 2019 hingga 2 Mei 2019
berkesempatan hadir World Justice Forum
bertempat di Hague, Netherlands
Suasana Damai Convention Centre

Lalu bermulalah perjalanan merentas Benua
dalam dua perjalanan

Terpesona dengan pelbagai keindahan
manusia dan kota Amsterdam

 Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia (YLBHI) 

Action Forward

Closing Plenary - Highlighting Commitments to Justice

Nothing much change but progress are keep moving
How the world can be better for all..

Jumaat, 24 April 2020

RaMaDHaN 2020

-Hari 38 PKP-

Menyambut kedatangan ramadhan dalam situasi yang sederhana kesan PKP.
Ucapan dan doa untuk semua

Semoga Bahagia

Sabtu, 11 April 2020


-Hari ke 23 PKP-

Perintah ini telah dilajutkan kepada fasa ke-3

dan keadaan sebelum ini adalah sebagaimana berikut:

Sumber: Blog Ketua Pengarah KKM

Semoga apa yang digambarkan dapat menceritakan realiti sebenar dalam masyarakat kerana data inilah yang digunakan bagi membuat unjuran dan tindakan pada masa hadapan.


Selasa, 7 April 2020

CoViD dan eKoNoMi

-Hari ke-21 MCO-

Seluruh dunia merasakan kesannya
bila pergerakan semakin terhad
lalu berkurangnya aktiviti kebiasaan
dan semua terasa.

Cuba memahami kesannya terhadap ekonomi Malaysia
dan dasar fiskal.

26 March 2020
Dalam ringkasannya beliau menjelaskan:
Key takeaways
  • This pandemic will have devastating effects on the Malaysian economy from both external factors (global supply and demand shocks) and domestic factors (MCO). Critically, this will disproportionately impact smaller businesses and vulnerable groups such as lower-income individuals and workers.
  • In light of emerging risks, we propose a new, expanded, two-stage fiscal response package. Stage 1 measures will aim to support incomes during the MCO, while Stage 2 measures aim to kickstart the economy after the restrictions are lifted.
  • Stage 1 measures include liquidity support for both individuals and businesses. Individuals can be protected via an expansion of EIS unemployment benefits along with temporary increases in BSH benefits. Businesses will need low-interest concessionary lending, along with wage assistance and cost-alleviation measures.
  • Stage 2 measures work to stimulate the economy after the MCO is lifted, helping affected individuals and businesses rebound. Key proposed measures under Stage 2 include an expansion of infrastructure spending in underdeveloped areas and a one-off cash injection to Malaysian households.

Sabtu, 4 April 2020

2 CeRiTa

Hari ke-18 MCO

Bekerja dalam situasi yang sebegini sebetulnya merisaukan
antara kebebasan dan disiplin
bebas untuk melakukan apa saja
lalu kerja menjadi gado-gado
semuanya berjalan seiring
akhirnya tiada yang terhasil?

Di sebalik itu, beberapa idea telah datang
dan kecenderungan yang pelbagai.

1) Pertanyaan tentang pertambahan kes Covid sejak PKP
2) Peranan Universiti dalam menangani Covid
3) Kemungkinan solat jumaat secara online

dan kesemua itu mengundang reaksi berbeza.

namun ada 2 cerita
Peranan universiti -China
Tindakan Perusahaan di Universiti - Britain

dan yang pasti...sepanjang PKP, pelbagai genre filem telah kusaksikan..

Rabu, 1 April 2020


Wawasan 2020.
Kemajuan dan keterbatasan

Hari ke-15 PKP

while obeying the Movement Control Order (MCO)
you still need to perform a work
so its need to understand what are Work at Home (WAH)

it's create a lot of adjustment...
especially because myhome myoffice concept still new
while you always in you office...

and you coming back to home after that.

changed of routine:
5-7: Performed solah
7-8: Cleaning House
8-9: clock in and breakfast
9-12: doing work while social message
12-2: perfomed solah and lunch
2-4: doing work while rest a little
4-6: perfomed solah and kudapan
6-8: perfomed solah and dinner
9-11: doing work while watching tv
12: sleep.

how productivity and emotional can be maintain?

some understanding on WAH

according to Nordin, et.all (2016)

"Work at home (WAH) is a recent trend in few international companies such as Amazon, Dell and Xerox. Home-based work help employees' healthy work life balance by not bound to fix working hours and freedom to schedule the work. Generally, WAH gives benefits to employees as well as employers.
In Malaysia, as the improvement in technology is going well, there is less constraint to work from anywhere. Some of the employees’ burdens like stress, travelling cost and family responsibilities will be lessen.

This paper will discuss further the relevant of WAH in Malaysia in terms of some variables such as age, gender and types of job. The WAH concept is one of the various ways of flexible work arrangement apart of part time work system and flexible working hours.

The quality of working life is affected by work and home balance. The need of WAH become a rising concern among the employees and employers due to its benefits. WAH was applied by nonagricultural workers since industrial revolution. In early 1990s, the rates of men and women whose applying WAH are equal. A survey during that era indicates that they brought work home but did not paid for that work, 23% of WAH employees were married woman with children and most WAH employees are professional." (Deming, 1994).

More reading click HERE

Rabu, 4 Mac 2020

NaMa DaN FaKuLTi

Bermula dengan keinginan
lalu pertanyaan demi pertanyaan
dari sudut dan ruang berbeza
akhirnya berubah nama

Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan

Social Science and Humanities

sedikit sumbangan untuk sejagat berhubung kenyataan World Social Science Report (2010:356)

"The importance of social sciences in today’s world is indisputable, yet their overall influence remains limited because of huge disparities in research capacities across countries and the fragmentation of knowledge. Much remains to be done, but on the global level the Report makes a number of suggestions on how to address these divides."

terus berkarya dan berimaginasi
untuk dunia yang lebih baik
The importance of social sciences in today’s world is indisputable, yet their overall influence remains limited because of huge disparities in research capacities across countries and the fragmentation of knowledge. Much remains to be done, but on the global level the Report makes a number of suggestions on how to address these divides
The importance of social sciences in today’s world is indisputable, yet their overall influence remains limited because of huge disparities in research capacities across countries and the fragmentation of knowledge. Much remains to be done, but on the global level the Report makes a number of suggestions on how to address these divides
The importance of social sciences in today’s world is indisputable, yet their overall influence remains limited because of huge disparities in research capacities across countries and the fragmentation of knowledge. Much remains to be done, but on the global level the Report makes a number of suggestions on how to address these divides

Rabu, 26 Februari 2020


Maju ke belakang
Ideanya untuk mengembalikan
kelebihan lautan
yang selama ini wujud

Segalanya Mungkin

hadir dengan sedikit sumbangan dan pertanyaan:

1) beza antara Ibu Kota dan Ibu Pentadbiran
2) Analitical tools in the eyes of Profesor Ulung for research in society.

maka terjawablah berkaitan tesis Mills ( ) berkaitan tiga tema iaitu

i. Struktur
ii. Historis
iii. Biografi

dan akan kucuba untuk suaipadankan dengan konsep sempadan, bangsa dan patriotik.

dan pesannya lagi;

" methode itu bergantung kepada idea"

Isnin, 3 Februari 2020

BaHaRu BiNa

Agresif dan bersungguh-sungguh meski dalam suasana terkawal

membina kumpulan

semuanya semalam

31 Jan - 01 Feb 2020
Build you Team, Achieved you Dream

dan kami Rusa Jantan


Ahad, 26 Januari 2020


Bertahun tahun mencari 'essence' untuk suatu fenomena bagi membentuk suatu makna kerana makna itu dapat mempengaruhi tindakan yang akan mencetuskan fenomena lain dalam konteks yang tersendiri berdasarkan struktur yang sedia ada dalam perkembangan suatu institusi di Malaysia yang semakin maju.

maka teciptalah suatu kesinambungan dengan konsep:


Khamis, 16 Januari 2020


Hanya airmata yang bisa kuberi
setelah debaran
dan penjelasan
dari mereka

soalan demi soalan
lalu terhasillah sebuah kenyataan
"kuantitatif fenomenologi"

itu semua semalam...

Terima kasih kepada semua...

Sidang Itu..15/1/2020 3-4.00 pm

antara komen:

" Banyak tahun? tahniah.. ini patut dibanggakan"!!
" Jangan serik dan jadilah humble... ini baru permulaan...belajar lagi"!!
" Apakah sumbangan anda kepada ilmu?

terima kasih sekali lagi...
kepada semua....

Selasa, 14 Januari 2020


Pengajian Doktor Falsafah (Phd)?

umumnya falsafah itu suatu yang bersifat abstrak
namun apa kaitannya dengan perkataan Doktor?
siapakah yang sakit
hingga perlu kepada doktor
dan apakah ubatnya?

mungkin ada makna di sebalik itu
doktor yang tahu dalam bidangnya
itulah ilmu
dan kemahiran
hingga tercapai maksud asalnya
ilmu baharu?

Menurut Petre dan Rugg (2010):

"PhD students often worry about whether their research will be good enough for a PhD. It's useful to remember the criteria which most universities have at the core of their PhD assessment: 'original work' which makes 'a significant contribution to knowledge'. It is no coincidence that most refereed journals and conferences use similar criteria - such publications are notionally how the research community communicates and continues to build knowledge. Therefore, you can provide evidence of 'significance', 'originality' and 'contribution to knowledge' in advance of submission of your thesis by publishing your work in refereed journals or conferences. There is more on this at various places later in this book. You don't need to make a major discovery to get a PhD - you just need to show that you're able to do good enough research independently."

Sumber: FindAPhd

dan bukunya ada DISINI

Khamis, 2 Januari 2020

2PuLuH 2PuLuH?

sampai dah di sini
membesar dengan wawasan itu
sejak 30 tahun yang sudah
tahun 1991

Semalam adalah kenangan
Hari ni adalah perjuangan
Esok adalah impian

Teruskan langkah
terkadang cepat
terkadang lambat
kerna tua
bukanlah pada usia

- hari kedua di tahun 2020-