Jumaat, 28 Ogos 2020

BLeNDeD + MooC = BLeMoC

 New idea with old technology. Just to put and puzzle and mix and match. All this within six month ahead.

Let's create something!!


Selasa, 25 Ogos 2020

MaRi MeMBaCa @ PKPP 2020

 Rasa yang berbeza dan berlainan bila semuanya di atas talian, lalu terbukalah berbilang alat untuk satu tujuan yang sama.

Hampir tak berdaya menahan bebanan

Namun, semuanya tuntas.


Sabtu, 8 Ogos 2020

SoCiaL PHeNoMeNoLoGy

 Finally, they are some adjustment need to be accomplish.

What is the social phenomenology?

it's related to the process of Typification's and 'ideal type' related to the experience for the meaning construct...

According to Fereday and Cochrane (2006:80) referred to Schutz:

"Schutz’s social phenomenology is a descriptive and interpretive theory of social action that explores subjective experience within the taken-for-granted, “commonsense” world of the daily life of individuals. Schutz’s theory emphasizes the spatial and temporal aspects of experience and social relationships. Social phenomenology takes the view that people living in the world of daily life are able to ascribe meaning to a situation and then make judgments. It is the subjective meaning of experience that was the topic for interpretation in this study."

All this finally create the six step in the process of thematic analysis which content coding and finally first and second order construct..

more explanation just click HERE (source)