Contohnya dalam kajian MOGOK, apakah tema yang sesuai
bagi menjelaskan fenomena tersebut.
Oleh itu, perlu dilakukan satu bentuk analisis bagi mengenalpasti
tema-tema yang bersesuaian berdasarkan 'transkrip' yang telah
dihasilkan terhadap temu bual.
Menurut Braune & Clarke (2006:14):
To sum up, thematic analysis involves the searching across a data set – be that a number of interviews or focus groups, or a range of texts – to find repeated patterns of meaning. The exact
form and product of thematic analysis varies, as indicated above, and so it is important that the
questions outlined above are considered before and during thematic analyses. Those approaches
which consider specific aspects, latent themes and are constructionist tend to often cluster
together, while those that consider meanings across the whole data set, semantic themes, and are
realist often cluster together. However, there are no hard-and-fast rules in relation to this, and
different combinations are possible. What is important is that the finished product contains an
account – not necessarily that detailed – of what was done, and why. So what does one actually do?
We now provide what is hopefully a straightforward step-by-step guide to conducting thematic
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