Isnin, 23 April 2018


Apakah budaya ini dan bagaimanakah kaitannya terhadap organisasi?

Menurut  Schwartz (2018):

"A culture is simply the collection of beliefs on which people build their behavior.
Learning organizations — Peter Senge’s term — classically focus on intellectually
oriented issues such as knowledge and expertise. That’s plainly critical, but a true
growth culture also focuses on deeper issues connected to how people feel, and
how they behave as a result. In a growth culture, people build their capacity to
see through blind spots; acknowledge insecurities and shortcomings rather than
unconsciously acting them out; and spend less energy defending their personal
value so they have more energy available to create external value. How people
feel — and make other people feel — becomes as important as how much they know."

Lanjutan DISINI

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